In Canada the Gauntlet is Laid Down Early in Life

For those of you who dont know, I sponsor an Atom A houseleague team in Fort McMurray Alberta Canada. The Gorsalitz Grizzlies have been playing hockey in our community for the last 11 years. This year our team has been extremely successful and has during the regular season gone undefeated. This next story may surprise some. Each year at this time we have a big city tournament during Minor Hockey Week and in this particular tournament the Grizzlies lost their first game of the season to the Novice Rep AAA team. Our team Captain, somewhat dismayed by the break of the perfect record challenged a player from the rep team to a bet. When they play their second contest against each other tomorrow at 5:30 the player from the losing team will have to shave his head. Now I could see such challenges from competing fan clubs from any of the student sections,..... even DHG from tpenaltybox crew might be enticed to such a challenge,..... but these are 9 and 10 year olds. In any event a big sister of one of the players will have clippers in hand and the severing of the follicle will occur immediately after the game. This is serious stuff up here in Canada even at the tender age of 9!